Find Your Happy Place. :)

5 05 2011

Because I have been going nonstop and always doing something I seem to start feeling down. Like it’s not worth it, who cares, and blah blah blah. Everyone has something that can just take their mind off of anything that might be going on and instantly put a smile on their face!

I almost would have thought shopping would be mine, but that leaves me feeling stressed about spending money on something I might of really not needed. Then theres tanning, which is my 15 minutes in paradise but doesn’t really relax me because usually I am texting someone about something or making lists in my head. (By the way I am a huge believer of making lists. I do it for everything packing, the store, daily tasks, for the most part I think I just like to cross things off but it does help me without forgetting anything!)

So what is mine? Taking a hot bubble bath. It always has been. I can relax and get clean at the same time!

So our apartment is totally painted and cleaned! You know what the means, we can begin the task of moving….yay! Just glad that I am not a guy and will not have to carry anything heavy up to the third floor! 😉 Hope everyone has an amazing day and remember…Friday is just around the corner! YES! 🙂



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