
13 05 2011

Happy Friday!! 🙂 So I havent been on here in a really long time and that’s because I have been busy like crazy! So let me fill you in on everything that has been going on!

We finished painting and cleaning our apartment and let me tell you it was an instant face lift! We moved all our furniture in and this last Sunday I moved all in and have been staying here since! 🙂

As for wedding stuff, I made an appointment for my final dress fitting!! And on Monday I am meeting with someone to do my flowers.

Okay well I am going to post a few more blogs so everything isn’t real crowded! Chat with ya in a few! 🙂

a sunny day!

14 04 2011

Hello everyone! Nothing more on wedding updates but I can tell you some other things that have been going on! Yesterday I went for a walk with my cousin Amanda, and it was wonderful lots of up and down hill and we were totally feeling the burn! Today my friend Jaclyn (who also is a nanny) and I brought the kids to a playground in Peterborough it is like the best playground out of all the playgrounds! Also no one else was there so the whole playground was ours (for an hour and something). 🙂

So my mom asked me to make some macaroni salad this afternoon for dinner tonight so as the noodles finish cooking and the kids are eating lunch ( peanut butter and fluff with an apple and iced tea!) I would come on here and write-up a quick post! Tonight I am going to a jeans party, they bring all these designer jeans for you to try on and you can purchase and take them home that night so fingers crossed I find something (or a few) that I love! 🙂

I think that’s just about it for today! Only 72 days left until the BIG day! Yikes :). Enjoy your day my friends and show your beautiful smile to the world! 😀